Wednesday, October 05, 2005

"Operation Bring Animals Home" - a photoset on Flickr by DanaKay

I haev been emailing with Dana for a few weeks now about her rescue trips. Indeed many of the pictures used for the presentations have been from her. She just made her third trip down to the Gulf. This one to St. Bernard Parish.

3rd Animal Rescue Trip - New Orleans - "Operation Bring Animals Home" - a photoset on Flickr: ""

THe pictures tell a story of suffering. Her words tell one of hatred. I again ask, how can people behave like this.

I hope to have an interview with her on this blog. I can not do teh mental gymnastics necessary to have me put it on the FinanceProfessor blog, but hopefully, this will get the word out.

In my last email to her, I mentioned that I now have some understanding oh how the Holocaust happened. (as long time friends and readers of my websites know, this has been soething that has troubled me for years. How could the world not stop it.

From my email:
"Somewhere in the back of my mind I have been hoping
the the DallasNews video and the shooting stories
coming out of SB have been faked, that things were not
that bad.

I guess I now know how the holocaust happened. No one
wanted to believe it. And the killing continued as the
good people turned their heads not wanting to believe the stories they were hearing."

Check out Dana' pictures, and if you can spare a few buck (or more) why not give her a hand for gas for her next trip. (and tell her you want to hear an interview with her! ;) )

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