Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Every victory is important!

During the aftermath of Katrina we were reminded that every loss, while small in the whole scheme of things, is huge for those experiencing the loss. Almost 11 months later it is worthwhile to remember that the same works in reverse. That while a relatively small number of people are back in their homes, every person who can move back in to his/her own house is a huge victory!

With that in mind, Dr. Bob send me the following article. It is by the Sun Herald's business editor Lisa Monti who recently moved back into her home. And while somewhere a statistician added another completion to a column on a spreadsheet, to Lisa and her family the event is cause for great excitement!

FEMA Trailer Gone, Forgotten
"The FEMA trailer was finally, mercifully, hauled off......good riddance. It served its purpose by providing temporary shelter, and I'm grateful for that. But I'm even more grateful that the claustrophobic discomfort, the leaks, the formaldehyde, all part of the plastic and plywood package, are over with.

My wish now is that all of you who are still waiting for a trailer or other temporary housing get some help immediately, and that all of you who are still "living" in a trailer get out and into your homes at the fastest possible speed."

One more victory! Congratulations!

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