Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Remembering the Battle of New Orleans

One of my New Year's Resolutions for 2004 (yes last year) was to learn more about the War of 1812. I am not sure I was very successful (did tour Fort Niagara), so I redid it for 2005. (Who cares if the year ended)

That said, I did learn some on the Battle of New Orleans when in New Orleans and I stumbled upon this piece from NPR on the Battle. NPR : Remembering the Battle of New Orleans One aspect that I had not thought about was that had we lost (remember the peace treaty had already been signed PRIOR to the battle), the British very likely would have just ignored the treaty.

I also had no idea that January 8th used to be a big thing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That war was very sad. And was very bloody