Saturday, August 08, 2009

Beware: Happiness is Contagious | Psychology Today

Beware: Happiness is Contagious | Psychology Today:
"Nicholas Christakis,... a physician and sociologist at Harvard University....he suggests that happiness, like the flu, can spread from person to person. When people who are close to us, both in terms of social ties (friends or relatives) and physical proximity, become happier, we do too. For example, when a person who lives within a mile of a good friend becomes happier, the probability that this person's good friend will also become happier increases 15%. More surprising is that the effect can transcend direct links and reach a third degree of separation: when a friend of a friend becomes happier, we become happier, even when we don't know that third person directly."

So smile. Or else! ;)

1 comment:

David said...

If you're interested in a new approach to boost your happiness based on the latest positive psychology research, check out our iPhone app: Live Happy (there’s also a Free Trial version); it's based on the work of Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of "The How of Happiness" and provides a unique method to create a personalized program to increase your happiness.

You can also learn more about the iPhone app on our Facebook page.