Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Science of Aging Brains - Newsweek

Karl Pribram and colleagues have presented evi...Image via Wikipedia
Good article!

The Science of Aging Brains - Newsweek:
" real life, rather than in psych labs, people rely on mental abilities that stand up very well to age and discover work-arounds for the mental skills that do fade. The second is that some mental abilities actually improve with age, and one of them may be the inchoate thing called wisdom, which is not a bad thing to have when running a company. Little of the gloom-and-doom conventional wisdom about what happens to the brain as we age, says Salt-house, 'is based on well-established empirical evidence.' Instead, he says, much of it seems to be 'influenced as much by the authors' preconceptions and attitudes as by systematic evaluation' of solid data...Some of the earlier bad-news findings are being questioned as scientists discover that the differences between today’s 20-year-old brains and 80-year-old brains reflect something other than simple age, and instead have to do with how people live their lives.."
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