Sunday, February 06, 2005

Random topics2 squared #5

The Super Bowls is great, but overhyped. Whole stories on the turf, the food, etc. Enough. Let's play the game!

I was encouraged by the voter turnout in Iraq. I hope it bodes well for the future. It really would be easier if everyone would compromise and learn to get along.

Buffalo's financial difficulties largely mirror those of established airlines: too high of fixed costs and too much overhead.

You know you live an exciting life when on news of a paper being accepted for publication you celebrate by getting multigrain bread instead of 100% wheat...while the Ground Hogs all forecasted a longer winter, the weather for the past week has been VERY nice for a February WNY...although running is still my favorite, swimming and biking have their points!! I just wish I were better at them...

I am about 1/2 way through the Perfect Mile. It is excellent! Things I have learned: 1. training, while changed, is still very much the same now as then. 2. Busy is a way of life. If you run, you are probably a busy person. 3. Reporters are fickle: one minute they are for you, the next against you. 4. Track officials are too "rules based".

In case you ever think that people can not always find things to complain about, you should read the results of the user survey at the Olean YMCA. They are on a bulletin board at the Y. You really can not make everyone happy.

That said, I think the new format for the newsletter will be doable. I much prefer the blog, but many readers like the newsletter better, so the new "best of" is a nice compromise.

The Bonaventure Basketball team is really struggling. Maybe it is time to look forward to Home and Home games with Alcorn State.

If I were betting, I would say Lance is not doing the Tour.

For the Mets at least, Pitchers and Catchers report on the 16th!

Have a Great Week!

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