Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Desiree Sayle hosts Ask the White House

Desiree Sayle hosts Ask the White House:
"George, from Pennsylvania writes:
I am assuming volunteers are still needed to help the people affected by Katrina,correct?"

"Desiree Sayle
Excellent question George. And the answer is yes.

In a report released this month, the Corporation for National and Community Service found that more than half a million Americans have journeyed to the Gulf Coast in the past year to volunteer in hurricane relief and recovery efforts. The figures compiled by the agency also reveal that tens of millions more people, while not traveling to the Gulf region, supported relief efforts in a variety of ways.

But, the true transformation of a stronger and better Gulf Coast will require a sustained commitment over time. In the months ahead, volunteers will continue to play an integral role in rebuilding and reinvigorating the area."

While George may get points for asking the easiest question ever, the answer is right on. Convince a friend to go with you to volunteer!

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