Thursday, August 10, 2006


Scuba posted his 60 day report....short version: Handson Disaster Response is doing a wonderful job (which of course is NO surprise!)

A few look-ins:
"This past month saw a HUGE expansion in the volunteer numbers present in Sawit....This is exciting because it has increased our impact in the community. Where prior it may take up to 4 days to complete the "ruins" removal from the footprint of a house it now takes a single day to clean most areas! The month of August has a steady number of about 15 volunteers with us throughout."
"In an effort to expand the opportunities for our volunteers and allow the children to experience a native English speaker we are now helping at least 2 days per week at the school. The Headmaster of the local primary school has welcomed a number of our volunteers at her school. The students are currently attending classes in an old fashioned military type tent whilst their school is being rebuilt. HODR volunteers have made lesson plans, taught mathematics, English (duh!), and generally assisted wherever they could. Nothing like having eighty 6-9 year olds under one tent being taught by 4 different teachers!! You should try!"
btw Pictures of their work are available on Flickr.

GREAT job people!

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