Friday, December 03, 2004

Concentration camp of Birkenau - List

Concentration camp of Birkenau - List

I just got done watching Band of Brothers on the History Channel. Coupled with my recent visit to the D-Day museum in New Orleans, and I felt I had to write something on WWII and the concentration camps. I know I have said it before, but HOW HOW HOW could it happen???

WHen people say they do not like history, I think they are nuts. How can you not be moved when you see what people had to go through. As as is written all over the WW II museum in ELdred PA:

George Santayana: Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

BTW if you are near Olean, I highly recommend going to the WWII museum in Eldred PA. For being in the middle of "no where" it is excellent!! Indeed, plan on spending several hours there. It is seriously almost as good as the D-day Museum and virtually FREE!!!! (I say virtually as I am sure you will want to donate something!)

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