Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Salon's look at the recovery effort News | Everything's broken:
"Dec. 13, 2005 | EAST BILOXI, Miss. -- More than three months after Hurricane Katrina's jagged front edge tore into Mississippi's Gulf Coast like a runaway chainsaw, East Biloxi remains a shattered community of poor people living amid their ruins, facing an uncertain future"

While I am not sure it should be government's role, I will say that many people believe it to be so, and if it is, then FEMA etc failed (and are failing)

But we can help. And to paraphrase Nelson Mandela "if we can help, we must help."

My favorite line from the article: "Real hurricane relief for the poor is coming not from the government or big charities but the kindness of strangers."

Handson gets some nice coverage on page is worth the advertisement to view it!

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