Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Persevere Disaster Relief: Making Progress

This is from Persevere Volunteers. It will give some small idea of what volunteering is like. It was created by Bill Driscoll (jr).

A couple of things to note:
1. Interior work is being done on some homes! Drywall and painting is so much better than gutting! However, at the same time some areas still have debris clean-up and one project is even cleaning up a cemetery. So much still has to be done.

2. Notice the heavy equipment. This takes much fuel and hence money. If you can not make it down to help, consider donating some. I assure you that they will put it to very good use!!

In their words:
"A collection of photos and video of Persevere Volunteers in action. Persevere Disaster Relief is currently deployed to the Mississppi gulf coast aiding in the Katrina Relief effort.

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