Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Eric Rudolph tells how he eluded FBI - Yahoo! News

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live with police chasing you? I know I did when Rudolph was being hunted. (and of course in most good mysteries, movies, and the like.)

USA TODAY has a fascinating look at how Eric Rudolph did survice. I have to give him, he was very resourceful. Eric Rudolph tells how he eluded FBI - Yahoo! News

Just one example:

"During his trips into Andrews that October 1999, Rudolph had stolen garbage cans from stores, he writes. He swiped garbage bags from the Dumpsters at McDonald's. He washed them in the river and then began filling them with grain from silos along Airport Road, in a town named Marble halfway between Murphy and Andrews."

The links directly from USATODAY with pictures

Part one
Part two

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