Sunday, July 03, 2005

Random Topics Squared

Summer is best time of year...I really love the warm weather...contrary to popular opinion, I love running in the heat! May be a bit slower, but MUCH more fun...

The Mets just can not get above .500....totally not to downplay the horrible consequences to the individuals affected, but is anyone else sick of forest fire and shark attack stories? The names and places change, but every summer they are some of the top stories...I especially hate the fire stories...they are either caused by too little rain, or too much.

I have to read some books by HW Brands, his interview on CSPAN was fascinating. I wonder if his Lone Star Nation is available as a unabridged CD...just about done with 1776, it is very good!!!

Check out my pictures on flickr..which BTW is now owned by Yahoo...

Go Lance!

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