Friday, March 10, 2006

What a week!

It was quite a week! Of course not everything went as we had hoped but enough did go right that it was an excellent week.

The experiences at all the sites were somwhat different and I hope to be "blogging" about these differences in the coming days and weeks. However, it is sufficient to say that things went very well.

Today I spent the day doing what I like to do the most in Biloxi: gutting houses. It was the house that would not give up: a duplex that had been remodeled seemingly every day. This led to some unusual things including 10 layers of flooring in the basement and 4 ceilings throughout most of the house. Today we took down ceilings and walls in about 5 rooms. It is not quite done since we had to leave early to cath the bus.

I was beyond dirty by the end. I looked like I had been a coal miner. I will upload pictures from back in Olean.

Then, after saying they could not come to the get together of all the groups (one of several things that left me scatching my head this week), the buses arrived in Biloxi about an hour before the dinner and then had to wait until everyone ate.

At the dinner many people said they were ready to come maybe.

Remember to sign up for the Yahoo group t0 upload pictures and to speak with others.

Thanks everyone (well most everyone ;) ) for a great week!

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